dumps mcgumps: [duhm-ps-mik-guhmps] -adj [Origin: 2006] unattractive, dated, belongs in the garbage, things one may not admit to owning or consuming. -related forms: dumpy mc-G, DMG

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Cedar's Old Marquee

The Cedar's old marquee didn't actually light, which somewhat defeats the purpose. The banner on the right side may or may not have been covering something broken, and squirrels were sighted running in and out of the rusty hole in the letter "E" on more than one occasion.  


Bryan said...

This broken beacon leading to the cities finest music room is LONG overdue for a rehab. Lets get together and light up the Cedar Riverside neighborhood with a new Cedar marquee! Dig deep people!

Dave Ray Lives!

Braincaker AKA Bryan Aaker

Brad Liening said...


Unknown said...

There are people who walk up and down the 400 block of Cedar Avenue and still have no idea where The Cedar Cultural Center is. I suppose it’s easy to miss when our old theater marquee serves as a better home for squirrels than a sign. It’s too bad because that dilapidated marquee could not only be a great representation for The Cedar but a landmark for the entire Cedar-Riverside neighborhood. We knew it was the final straw when we saw the marquee on dumpsmcgumps.com. Click the link to see for yourself.

We’re in our 20th season here at The Cedar (a 501c3 non-profit) and what better way to celebrate The Cedar’s anniversary than fixing that rusty sign? To make this happen, we kicked off a fundraising campaign titled “Light the Marquee,” which will fund a full marquee restoration. A renovated and well-lit marquee will draw more people to the West Bank district, enhance neighborhood aesthetics, build communal identity, and improve pedestrian security. Check out some photos and learn more at thecedar.org/marquee.

Can you pitch in with a donation of $25 or more to help us “Light the Marquee?” Go here: thecedar.org/donate and click on the photo of the marquee.

Donations from our patrons this season also support a robust schedule of exciting shows, new programs serving youth, families, and emerging artists, and building improvements including an all-new sound system, a new concessions area, a renovated patio, and a refinished wood floor. To learn more about what your donation will do in 2008, visit thecedar.org/donate.